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UA Walk Back in Time is an eco-sustainable tourist experience in which you will have the opportunity to delve into the traditions, uses and customs of our elders.

We will start in the Dome picking food directly from the organic garden. We will prepare and enjoy a picnic lunch accompanied by homemade wood-fired bread. Afterwards, we will collect aromatic plants and make a cosmetic or medicinal product. We will observe the stars and the next day you will discover the immense heritage of Biel.

You can do this all year round, upon request, and it is aimed at families, school groups and children’s tourism.



C/ Latorre, 5
50.619 Biel (Zaragoza)
695 406 000

‘A turn back’ allows you to delve into the daily life of a small municipality with es Biel (in the Cinco Villas Region), as well as its history, traditions and crafts.

After buying the bread at the local bakery, which keeps ancestral recipes and still cooks its dough in a wood-fired oven, you will take some eggs from the organic chickens that are raised freely in the Huerta Verde, where fresh products will also be collected to make , with all this, a picnic full of flavor.

Then, after taking a pleasant walk, the lavender is collected to make, with it, its distillation and get its best aroma. Everything, following an ancestral process, as those of yesteryear did.

At dusk, you will be able to verify the beauty of the Biel sky, free of light pollution and, after sleeping in Álvaro’s apartments (cozy and to feel at home), you will walk the streets of Biel, knowing its heritage beauty.

To end the experience, the baker will explain how to work in a wood-fired oven and, later, lunch at El Caserío Restaurant, where tradition and local products go hand in hand. All in all, you will be able to experience ‘A turn back’ in time, but in the middle of the 19th century.



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