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Living the truffle is an authentic way to get to know the truffle world in depth. The activity has three parts: introduction to the world of truffles, truffle hunting and tasting.

After the introductory talk in which we will learn about its consumption, species, uses and aroma. We will go to Masía El Olmo to collect truffles. We will see the dog and the truffle hunter in action and then we will extract some truffles ourselves. To finish, we will do it in the best possible way, tasting what we have just hunted. In the Melanosporum restaurant we will enjoy the truffle menu. It is available every Saturday of the truffle campaign.


Complejo la Trufa Negra,
Avenida Ibañez Martín, 10-14
Mora de Rubielos44400 – Teruel, España
978 807 144

Introduction to the truffle world

The introduction may be, because of its name, the least attractive, although it is a part that is usually very popular, since the basic notions are given before going out to the field. It is done in a dynamic way with the audience, asking questions, encouraging comments and promoting interaction. This talk is held at the hotel itself, in the conference room for 50 people, although it is not usually more than 20 people.
The talk deals with the following topics: truffle species and their aroma, uses, consumption, conservation, market fraud, mycorrhization, truffle growing and harvesting.

Truffle hunting

We will travel by car to Masía del Olmo, about 15 minutes away. It is at the farm where we discover the beauty of this work of harvesting, called “hunting” truffles. It is fascinating to observe and understand the relationship between the truffle hunter and his dog, the dynamics of the work and their obedience. The dog’s sense of smell detects the aroma of the ripe truffle, once trained, and it is he who tells the truffle hunter the exact place where the truffle is. To find it, the truffle hunter digs in that specific place. After that, the truffle hunter, with the help of his knife and cushion, is in charge of extracting the precious truffle with great care.
The truffle is not always found at the same distance from the surface, so caution is essential when searching for it.
Once the “Trufiturist” has observed several samples, he is allowed to extract one with his own hands. In this way, our visitors become part of the daily work on a farm and live the experience as truffle growers. It is a great feeling to be able to do the truffle “hunting” by themselves.

Tasting of Tuber Melanosporum

The activity concludes with a tasting at the Melanosporum restaurant. The recommended menu, which is still in use today, is called the Truffle Menu and consists of:
– Toast of homemade truffled butter.
– Toast of truffle sliced in oil
– Center starter: Ham DO Teruel and truffled artisan cheese, with toasted bread and tomato.
– Individual starter: Potato timbale, black sausage with pine nuts and truffled egg in two cookings over boletus parmentier.
– Main course (to choose): Cod au gratin with black truffle with Kataifi noodles or Ternasco de Aragon beef confit with truffled baked potatoes.
– Dessert: Creamy vanilla ice cream with crunchy truffle.
(This menu is suggested. Check the menu of the week in the web site of La Trufa Negra)



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