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“Get started in ornithology” is an experience designed to awaken interest in birds in their natural environment.

Through a guided trail that starts at the rural house “Casa Gerbe” and ends in a Hide (hut prepared for bird watching and photography). The guide will discover small details of botany or geology surrounding the village of Gerbe. Settled on a river terrace that links different habitats: the Mediano reservoir, reforestation pine forests, crop fields and the nearby high mountain, it offers a great diversity of birds.


Casa Gerbe
C/ San Miguel s/n,
22339 Gerbe (Huesca)
974 941 015 / 645 25 51 46

What does it consist of?

“Get started in ornithology” is an experience designed to awaken interest in birds in their natural environment.
It consists of a guided path prepared with explanatory panels that starts at the rural house “Casa Gerbe” and ends at a Hide (a hut prepared for bird watching and photography).
The guide will help you discover small details of botany or geology surrounding the village of Gerbe. Set on a river terrace linking different habitats: the Mediano reservoir, reforestation pine forests, crop fields and the nearby high mountain, it offers a great diversity of birds.

Depending on the time of year, you can see the migration of the cranes, the first flights of the flying chicks of the Kites or listen to the song of the striking Oropendola.

It is a route very accessible to all audiences, about 4.5 kilometers, and a difference in height of 10 meters and runs along part of an old road used by the inhabitants of Gerbe.

The route ends with a stay in the “Hide Birding Sobrarbe”, watching the birds of the area as they feed. You can consult the guide to name each of them and draw them in a notebook or photograph them with your camera.

Casa Gerbe

This initiative is a complementary activity of a small rural tourism lodging, Casa Gerbe.
Its owner, Miguel Angel, is a great expert and fan of ornithology and an excellent nature photographer, who wants to transmit his passion both to the clients of his rural house and to everyone who comes to this small and spectacular environment.
Gerbe is a small locality of the Sobrarbe belonging to the municipality of Ainsa whose center is 5km away. And that was almost completely uninhabited in the 1960s by the construction of the Mediano reservoir. Nowadays and thanks in great part to the rural tourism, Gerbe is a living village with interesting tourism offers.



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