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Comenzaremos en Santa Cilia donde el gran ornitólogo y divulgador Manuel nos acompañará al Muladar donde tendremos una de las mejores experiencias en la naturaleza.

Casi tocaremos a los Buitres Leonados (¡¡algunas veces acuden hasta 400!!) y en primavera y verano también podremos ver a los buitres migratorios Alimoches (llamados los Buitres Sabios). La guinda de esta experiencia la puede poner el gran jefe del aire, el Quebrantahuesos, que puede deleitarnos con su majestuoso vuelo y su plumaje naranja en cualquier momento. Después visitaremos la Casa de los Buitres, pequeño museo y centro de interpretación.


Vertientes Aventura
Avda San Hipólito s/n
22145 Alquezar
976 62 04 25

What does it consist of?

This experience summarizes and highlights how important it is to make our tourism sector sustainable and how it is possible to combine the preservation of the natural environment, the protection of endangered species and one of the most impressive and exciting tourism experiences.
In addition, it incorporates a part of environmental education and nature observation that makes it perfect to do it with the family.

Visit to the Vulture Feeder (Muladar) of Santa Cilia de Panzano managed by the NGO Fondo Amigos del BUITRE, which was created 30 years ago with the aim of studying and helping to preserve the scavenger bird population of Huesca and especially the Endangered Species: The Bearded Vulture.
The activity starts in Santa Cilia where we meet the great ornithologist and communicator Manuel Aguilera (he has been called the Man who whispered to the Vultures) who will accompany us throughout the journey. We will walk more or less 30′ to reach the Muladar space where we will have one of the best experiences in nature with a very close connection with the birds and with our natural environment. We will almost touch the Griffon Vultures (sometimes up to 400 vultures come!!!) and in spring and summer we will also be able to see the migratory Egyptian Vultures (called the Wise Vultures). The icing on the cake of this experience can be put by the great chief of the air, the Bearded Vulture, which can delight us with its majestic flight and its orange plumage at any time. An endangered species that is becoming more and more frequent in our Aragonese Pre-Pyrenees and especially in the Sierra de Guara.
After the impressive experience we will return by foot to Santa Cilia where we can visit the Casa de los Buitres, a small museum and interpretation center.



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