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A unique and experiential activity that takes place in the Early Iron Age archaeological park, in Fréscano (Saragossa), the first archaeological park in Spain dedicated to this period, located around the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age sites, in the Huecha Valley.

Participants will gain first-hand knowledge of the world of the Metal Ages, and will participate in a recreation of an archaeological excavation, as well as visiting the Early Iron Age cabin.
As if it were an open-air museum, participants will learn about their past through archaeology, test their ingenuity and have fun finding objects and structures.
A didactic and sustainable activity guided by professional archaeologists.
Aimed at families and school audiences.


Asociación Cultural Campos de Urnas del Río Huecha.

Calle Salitre nº 2.
50562 Fréscano, Zaragoza
662 197 469

Archaeological Park of the First Iron Age

The Archaeological Park of the First Iron Age is located next to the Huecha river, located at the foot of the Burrén-Burrena archaeological site that gives it its name, belonging to the so-called Campos de Urnas culture, in the Zaragoza municipality of Fréscano.

It is the first archaeological park in Spain dedicated to this period of recent prehistory, and aims to combine interdisciplinary teaching and archaeological research in the same project.

The rich archaeological heritage of Valle de la Huecha, and the municipality of Fréscano, which has five archaeological sites belonging to the Final Bronze Age-Iron I declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (B.I.C.) was the reason why the project to create the park began. in 2001, which culminated in its opening in 2010.

The Archaeological Park has the reconstruction of a cabin from the Iron Age I, the Agora, a space dedicated to Experimental Archaeology, and the botanical, trace and natural trails. And it has all the necessary services for the comfort of visitors, services and rest area.

The arrival at the park is preceded by the projection of a 12-minute audiovisual and a visit to the room-museum, where the visitor can be introduced to the culture of the Ballot Boxes through the pieces found in the head of El Morredón. Both the audiovisual and the room-museum are installed in the Palace of the Dukes of Villahermosa -Plaza de la Iglesia-, in the same urban area of Fréscano.



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