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A 5-day experience that traverse the Sobrarbe-Pyrenees Geopark following a leitmotiv: water and geology.

Discover a landscape result of the erosion, with sinuous ravines, beautiful lakes and ancestral glaciers; in addition to its cultural heritage, mountain lifestyles and shepherding. We will be accompanied by guides specialized in nature, ornithology, geology and heritage who will reveal the secrets of the landscapes and villages, observing the fauna and flora, raptors and rock birds or the great Bearded Vulture. Accommodation in an ecological cottage, breakfast with local and/or ecological products with views of the valley of La Fueva and bird feeders.



647 582 954

Day 1

Guided visit to the medieval village of Ainsa.

Day 2

Discovering the ibones.
This is the name given to the mountain lakes in the Pyrenees. On our way back, visit to a traditional cheese factory.

Day 3

We will discover a mysterious rupestrian hermitage located in a place of singular beauty, free afternoon for relaxing or exploring.

Day 4

Guara, a glimpse into Prehistory.
Unique place in our territory where Paleolithic and Neolithic pictorial art are presented in the same geographical area, as part of the list of World Heritage Sites.

Day 5

Departure after breakfast



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