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Who likes cherries? Red, plump, sweet, shiny… And they are more delicious when you pick them from the tree yourself!

With an experienced farmer we will discover the cultivation of cherries in the beautiful village of Bolea. We will pick the fruits with our hands, we will taste, enjoy, and appreciate them. We will have a delicious picnic lunch with local products and we will finish the day with a fun workshop of traditional games. As a souvenir, you will take home your box of cherries picked with care.
This is an eco-responsible activity which values rural life, agricultural work and the contact and the love for nature. As Costau said: “We protect what we love”.


Turismo con Alma

678 471 110

Experiences with soul

Experiences with soul are local, revealing, immersive activities, with a mindful spirit and oriented to personal development and enrichment. In them, the participant is not a mere spectator, but is involved and interacts, being the protagonist of the story.

Getaways with soul

Getaways with Soul promotes healthy trips to unpolluted destinations, away from mass tourism and surrounded by nature and silence, where you can discover unforgettable places while the guide takes the group through an emotional journey to recover the balance between body, mind and spirit.



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